Before the start of the full-scale war, Synergy IP Agency held three annual seminars on the taxation of royalty and software transactions.

This year, on December 9, we managed to hold only one seminar, which is essential.

Active offline and online participants of the seminar showed that despite the circumstances, Ukrainian business works, pays taxes and believes in victory.

This fact makes us extremely happy.

The main topics of the seminar were:

  • IP protection and transactions during wartime.
  • Taxation of royalty in Ukraine, tax practice analysis.
  • Intellectual property accounting.
  • Transaction of software products: contractual models and their taxation practice.
  • Determining the royalty amount.
  • Intellectual property as part of international business and business restructuring.

The seminar speakers were partners of the agency Viktoria Ostapchuk and Anna Kravchuk and invited speakers – Kateryna Proskura, Olena Kiyashko, and Yulia Ivasyutyn.

We are happy that we managed to hold this valuable event despite all possible obstacles, and we hope to meet again next year in peaceful Kyiv.