– International trademark registration under the Madrid system
– Trademark registration in Europe (EU Single Trademark)
– Trademark registration in the USA
– Trademark registration in China
A trademark has territorial protection. The need for international trademark registration arises when you want to sell products or provide services in other countries. Synergy patent attorneys perform the registration of trademarks all over the world.
Options for registering a trademark in the world
International trademark registration under the Madrid system
Recommended if you need to register a trademark in two or more countries.
– Simplified application procedure. Only one application is filed with the International Bureau of Intellectual Property. Protection can be claimed simultaneously in dozens of countries participating in the Madrid Agreement and / or the Madrid Protocol.
– There is no need to contact patent attorneys in other countries and pay their fees. It is enough to contact the specialists of our agency, who will completely carry out the procedure.
The cost of registering a trademark in several countries under the Madrid System is generally less than the national registration cost in those countries.
– In order to file an application under the International Procedure, you must have either a certificate of registration of the TM in the country of origin (for countries participating in the Agreement) or a filed application (for countries participating in the Protocol);
– Not all countries are parties to the Madrid Agreement and/ or the Madrid Protocol.
The registration period under the Madrid system is 12-18 months.
Expand the borders of your TM
Trademark registration in Europe (EU Single Trademark)
Recommended if you need to register a trademark in more than two EU countries.
– Allows you to submit one application to one administrative center of the EU to obtain protection in all countries of the European Community.
– An application for registration of an EU trademark is prepared in only one of the official languages of the European Union and does not require translation into other languages, which allows you to save on translation costs.
– Refusal to register a trademark in at least one EU country means a refusal to register a trademark in all other EU countries.
– Additional costs for the services of a European patent attorney.
The registration period is 5-6 months.
Trademark registration in each separate country
Recommended if you need to register in 1-2 countries or in countries that are not members of the Madrid system.
– No connection with other countries.
– Basic registration of a trademark in Ukraine is not required.
– If there is a similar application filed in Ukraine, you can use the 6-month priority under the Paris Convention.
Registration is carried out under the current legislation of a particular country with patent attorneys’ involvement in each country, which increases the cost of registration.
– The language barrier and the need for translation into the official language of the country are possible.
The trademark registration period differs from country to country.
Synergy agency specialists will help you choose a suitable procedure and register your trademark in any required country. The agency has a network of reliable foreign partners who are patent attorneys around the world.
Further you can familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of TM registration in some popular countries.
Trademark registration in the USA
Registration of a TM in the USA has its peculiarities, in particular:
1) you need to have grounds for filing an application for TM registration:
1) you need to have grounds for filing an application for TM registration:
– intend to use the trademark in the United States in the near future;
– have in another country a filed application for the same trademark for the same goods / services (subject to filing an application with the US Office within 6 months from the date of filing of the first application);
– have a registered trademark in another country for the same goods / services.
2) it is necessary to use the trademark in relation to all goods and services for which it is registered;
3) between the 5th and 6th year of the trademark validity, the owner must submit a declaration and evidence of the use of the trademark concerning the goods / services for which it is registered, or a declaration of its non-use for valid reasons. This way the registration will be extended for another 5 years.
4) between the 9th and 10th year of the trademark validity, the owner must submit a declaration and evidence of the use of the trademark in relation to the goods / services for which it is registered or non-use for valid reasons;
5) every 10 years, the registrant must submit a declaration and evidence of the use of the trademark or non-use for valid reasons, as well as an application for renewal of the trademark registration for every next 10 years.
The period for registration of a trademark in the USA is from 8 months.
The cost of TM registration in the USA depends on the number of classes for which it is filed for registration (the number of classes is determined by what goods / services the trademark is / will be used for).
Trademark registration in China
Any non-resident, individual or legal entity has the right to apply for TM registration in China. Throughout the registration process, the applicant must act through a representative who is a Chinese patent attorney.
The period for registration of a trademark in China is up to one year, provided that there are no requests from the Office and/or objections from interested third parties.
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